Monday, January 19, 2009

Meet The Social Moose

So, with the start of a new semester, I'm teaching my Interactive Media course at Fordham University again, and we have launched our class blog, which the students have decided to name The Social Moose for reasons that are best left unsaid, especially since I have no idea why they chose the name myself. But what the hey, it is kinda catchy, don't ya think? Anyway, they're already having some fun with it, and we'll see where it goes, over some familiar territory no doubt about it, but there's always something new that comes out of any collaboration, especially this kind of class. So, if you care to, you can click on the link below, and take a look at what we're up to, and I'll also add a link on the side so you can always have easy access to The Social Moose from Blog Time Passing. And please feel free to add comments to the posts there if you feel so inclined. So, here's the link:

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